The Vor'Cha class attack cruiser is a powerful vessel that debuted in the Next Generation episode "reunion". It's combat role is stated to be comparable to that of a heavy cruiser.
These speedy, versatile light utility vehicles are useful for a range of missions on the Starkiller Base and other frigid worlds. The First Order’s favored snowspeeder model is as simple as it is rugged: essentially a pair of seats, cargo platform, turbines and a deck-mounted repeating blaster.
Kylo Ren's command shuttle was an Upsilon-class command shuttle utilized by Lord Kylo Ren, who was a member of the Knights of Ren and the First Order around thirty years after the Battle of Endor. The First Order’s top officers travel in Upsilon-class command shuttles that look like grim birds of prey. These ships’ massive wings are packed with defensive systems to protect their valuable passengers. The upper wings contain advanced sensor suites that scan for enemies, while the lower wings house efficient shield projectors and powerful jammers. Upon landing, the wings rise from flight mode and then retract, encasing the upper wings’ sensor arrays in thick armor.
An elegant example that stands apart from typical brutish Imperial engineering, the Lambda-class shuttle is a multi-purpose transport used in the Imperial Starfleet. The Empire pressed the shuttle into service for both cargo ferrying and passenger duty. Even the Empire's elite, like Darth Vader and the Emperor Palpatine used these shuttles. It has three wings: a stationary center foil and two articulated flanking wings. When in flight, the side wings fold out for greater stabilization. When landing, the wings fold in, shrinking the vessel's silhouette. The well-armed vessel has two forward-facing double laser cannons, two wing-mounted double cannons, and a rear-facing double laser cannon. It is equipped with a hyper drive.
When stationed on Hoth, the Rebel Alliance modified T-47 air speeders to become snowspeeders, fast flying conveyances for patrol and defense of their hidden base. It took some doing to keep the crippling cold from permanently grounding their air force, but Rebel ingenuity overcame the relentless Hoth elements. The T-47 air speeder is a small, wedge-shaped craft with two forward-facing laser cannons. In its rear arc is a harpoon gun fitted with a heavy-duty tow cable. The snowspeeder is a two-man vessel, with a pilot and rear-facing tail gunner.
Destroyer Droids, also known as Droidekas, were used by the Trade Federation during the invasion of the planet Naboo. These droids had shield generators and could curl into a ball for rapid movement.