The Daleks are one of the most feared races in the universe. Their creator, Davros only has one intention, destroying all life apart from Dalek life. The Doctor has stopped them on several occasions but somehow they keep coming back!
Bumblebee has spent decades perfecting his fighting skills. With or without weapons, he is one of the most skilled fighters the Autobots have. He is dedicated to using his skills to defeat the Decepticons, no matter where they appear. He is the little brother of the heroic or protagonistic Autobot faction and a mascot, constantly striving to prove himself in the eyes of the other robots-especially his leader, Optimus Prime.
The NCC-1701 was a Federation Constitution class heavy cruiser that was in service with Starfleet in the mid to late 23rd century. In the course of her career, the Enterprise became the most celebrated starship of her time. The Enterprise was destroyed over the Genesis Planet in 2285 when Kirk activated the ship's auto destruct sequence o prevent the Enterprise from falling into the hands of the Klingons! Most famous Captain of the Enterprise was James T. Kirk!