Products tagged with 'musicals'

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metal earth musical bass fiddle


Bass Fiddle- Is a stringed musical instrument that usually consists of 4 strings and rests vertically on the floor when played. It is the largest instrument of the violin family with the lowest pitch sounding an octave lower than the cello. It can be played either with a bow or by plucking the strings.
Metal Earth instruments - grand piano


Grand Piano- Is a musical instrument played using a keyboard consisting of 52 white keys and 36 black keys that cover a range of more than seven octaves. The Grand Piano is designed so that its frame and strings are parallel to the floor with the strings extending away from the keyboard. The piano also includes 3 foot pedals used to change the instrument's sound in various ways. Grand Piano photo: The photo is owned by Steinway & Sons and must always be attributed: "Photo: © Copyright Steinway & Sons".
metal earth musical - drum set


Drum Set Is a collection of drums and other percussion instruments set up to be played by a single player. The first recognizable ancestors of the modern drum kit were born in the Vaudeville era.
metal earth musical - electric bass guitar


Electric Bass Guitar Is a stringed instrument played primarily with the fingers or thumb by plucking, slapping, popping, tapping, thumping, or picking with a plectrum. Popular music bands and rock groups use the bass guitar as part of the rhythm section to provide the chord sequence or progression and sets out the beat for the song.