The U-2 Dragon Lady® is a high-altitude surveillance aircraft, designed to fly at 70,000 feet and featuring a 103 foot wing span. The U-2® served the United States during the Cold War and at peak altitude, it could not be tracked by radar, nor shot down.
The most feared of all Dragonkind, Red Dragons are unmatched in their ferocity. In lore, their fiery breath has been known to lay waste to entire cities.
GRINGOTTS' DRAGON: Also known as the Ukrainian Ironbelly species. Gringott's Dragon is used to guard several high-security vaults, including the Lestrange Vault, at Gringotts Wizarding Bank.
Dragons are magical creatures from myth and legend. European Dragons are featured as having large, reptilian bodies with bat-like wings. Silver Dragons are said to embody the noble and good traits of dragonkind