Products tagged with 'starwar'

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metal earth ICONX - millennium falcon

Premium Series Millennium Falcon

A legendary starship despite its humble origins and deceptively dilapidated exterior, the Millennium Falcon has factored into some of the Rebel Alliance's greatest victories over the Empire. Before Han Solo won it in a game of chance, it was owned by Lando Calrissian. Solo and first mate Chewbacca flew the Millennium Falcon into cinematic history.
metal earth star wars bb-8


BB-8, sometimes spelled Beebee-Ate, is a BB unit astromech droid who operated approximately thirty years after the Battle of Endor. It had a dome head, similar to that of R2 series astromech droids, with the bulk of its body made up of a ball on which the droid's head rolled. BB-8 was mostly white, with some silver and orange on its body, as well as a black photoreceptor. The droid belonged to Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, whom he accompanied during his flights on his T-70 X-wing fighter.
metal earth star wars - C-3 PO


Metal Earth Star Wars - Poe Dameron's X-wing fighter


The T-70 X-wing starfighter is an updated incarnation of the classic T-65B X-wing starfighter manufactured for use by the New Republic Starfleet. More expensive and complex than the former T-65B, the T-70 featured advanced weaponry and proved more versatile than its predecessor, and was essential in both dogfights and capital-ship scale combat operations. Appropriated S-foils designs allowed a greater range of fire, while four KX12 laser cannons offered single, dual, and quad firing modes. A built in dual proton torpedo launcher with quick-change magazines permitted the utilization of alternative armaments.
metal earth starwars first order special forces tie fighter


A two-seat strike fighter used by the First Order’s elite Special Forces pilots, the TIE/SF boasts weapons far more powerful than a standard TIE, combining laser cannons with a heavy turret and warhead launcher. Special Forces TIEs have hyperdrives, deflector shields and high-yield cells that provide additional power to onboard systems. These versatile attack ships are used for everything from reconnaissance to combat operations.