While not as imposing as its larger AT-AT walker cousin, the AT-ST nonetheless served as a significant addition to the Imperial side of battlefields in the Galactic Civil War. The two-man craft is lightly armed with chin-mounted laser cannons, and side-mounted weapon pods. The two-legged transport, dubbed the scout walker by many, serves as a reconnaissance and patrol vehicle, often flanking approaching AT-ATs and mopping up infantry that sneaks past the larger walkers. The Imperials used AT-STs in both the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor.
Is a starfighter from the original Star Wars trilogy and the expanded universe. They are depicted as the primary interceptor and dogfighter of the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic.
TIE Fighters are one-man starfighters with a spherical cockpit, hexagonal wings and two chin-mounted laser canons. The basic TIE fighter first appeared in A New Hope and is the primary Imperial fighter seen in the Original Trilogy.
Designed to strike awe and terror into Rebels hearts, the Imperial Star Destroyer and the rest of the Empires fleet of space vessels maintain order in the galaxy through shows of power and ruthless fighting tactics. Is a capital ship. It first appears in the first seconds of Star Wars and is the signature vessel of the imperial fleet.
Darth Vader's TIE Fighter is the prototype that was used as the basis for all the terrifyingly effective TIE Fighters and Interceptors that would be developed for future battles. The TIE Fighter has proved itself in battle, as it is capable of withstanding many direct hits. In addition the pilots' chances of survival were considerably enhanced by the incorporation of a hyper drive system, which enables the ship to escape from hopeless battle situations.
All Terrain Armored Transports, or AT-AT's for short. They first appear in the Empire Strikes Back. AT-AT's are 50 feet tall and have the appearance of a giant four-legged monsters. The head serves as the control center and a mount for the walker's weapons.